Archive for comic
287 comics.
“Blinded Woman, Blackened Blade, Star Binder, Sun Stealer; World Tearer and Bearer of Worlds, The First and Final Human, A Legion of One.” -From the writings of Sain Ein Laindred
The Void Dragon, Bal´Nidhut, Released to feast on the World Ender Tree, Abyss maw met the crest of the moon, Split in twain, by the star studded sword.
“Plead as you may but stop hassling me, I keep my writings short. You will not learn the way of the blade from a book. Do not quote laws at me, the tip of a sword makes for a poor[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sacred Raksham, profane and profound. Devour the corded soul, unfettered hunger abound, The flesh a feast of two, boundaries brightly burn, Imagine blending softly, to be restored. – The Wog of Jabe