It is said that Cyrus Li Indram was born under the star of Glory, hailing from a old prestigious military clan of Shapers, if by his birth long declined from its peak, he had the highest of expectation from a young age to lift the family name once more. When it was discovered that he was a Pure Shaper of unmatched ability, the already highly set expectations rose further.
To the early disappointment of his family, it was in the field of mending that Indram would earn the moniker of Restorer, saving tens of thousands of lives, eventually being flown in to care of only the most serious cases. In this capacity, he would experience the expanding frontier of the Siol Empire, and come to witness many of its wars and battles. Events often brought up in his personal biographies, of which there are dozens, it was these experiences that led him to rediscover Cormantel philosophy, and develop a disdain for violence, in where he took a rare and ancient form of pacifist oath, to hold no blade against a fellow human. This form of oath did not prevent him from eventually accepting a military command, and achieving several impressive victories, to uphold the expectation of upcoming Shapers, as well as the Indram clan. Having earned three triumphs, he retired from the military to focus on other pursuits.
Academics, sport, research, warfare and politics. Indram would delve into almost all areas under his first few hundred years, writing over six hundred and eighty-six books on various subjects, and hundreds more of research papers before even reaching the age of four hundred himself. Despite by some experts of the time considered middling contributions, Indram mastered pivoting his renown and accomplishments at every turn into amassing a vast personal fortune. A fortune he would spend to further build his reputation.
Rising to become known as a adherent of classical Cormantel teachings, as was a rising zeitgeist of the time, Indrams reputation of a sage philosopher and an accomplished general made him highly desirable in Siol political circles. Approached three times to accept powerful political positions, he rejected them each time. Keeping from engaging in direct politics, he gained a reputation for both stoic adherence to Siol respectability and philantropy. Turning down political courtings, Indram would hold several honorary titles and positions over the years.
Having an eye for talent and skill, he would use his positions to meet with extraordinary people, which would prove useful when Indram was one of the early and key figures in forming the Fulcrum from the various leagues and alliances he had garnered over the years.
As political unrest grew, and the cracks began to form in the old Siol Empire as use of the Absolute power escalated, Indram would remain unengaged with politics until making an unexpected and grand appereance at the Siol high council, emerging as a sudden propponent of reform. Taking up position with a previously fringe and minor political party, he would publically denounce Siol excesses and advocate for control and oversight of Absolutist Shaper cabals. It was here he would come into personal contact with both Sioseach Chamlear VI and Artamis Es Cassander, for a time developing a relationship with the former and a fierce rivalry with the later according to ancient blood feud with the Cassander clan. To many, it was a surprise when Indram and Artamis ended the feud between the two clans, and set out on a pilgrimage together deep into the Void.
Doing much of the political lifting in forming the Fulcrum through his renown and political reputation, it was a even bigger surprise that Indram suggested Artamis become the leader of it, instead accepting the position of Minister of War for himself. An accomplished commander even before the war with the Siol, it is said that Indram has never lost a battle he personally commanded. Refusing to touch a sword according to his publically held Cormantel philosophy, that no man need seek glory in physical battle, Indram is always well guarded by his personal guard, which has grown to become an army in its own right.
Well liked by the people of the Fulcrum, it is a poorly kept secret that Indram still sets aside a day every week where he mends the wounded and the lame, as well as install his personally crafted replacement limbs for those who have lost their own limbs.
Aloof an quiet demeanor, in quite the opposite of Avatara Boman, Indram has few close friends even amongst the avatara, he is only seen in private with Avatara Ishtar. With Apollyon growing more withdrawn, and Artam gone for decades at a time, Indram is often the acting De facto leader of the Fulcrum in position of Supreme Commander and Minister of War.
Few commoners would hesitate to call him one of the Fulcrums primary architects, in fact, all goals set for the Fulcrum by Indram are always met and exceeded. When the Fulcrum advances in the war, he personally oversees every offensive, and when the Siol threaten to break the defenses, Indram saves the day with well timed reinforcements. When the Logos extolls his virtue and denounces the failures of the generals, he gracefully downplays his contributions, and offers the offending commanders another chance to die in battle. It is to the lament of the people then, that Avatara Indram can never be everywhere at once, and despite passing millennia, never can be given a free hand to deal with the Siol once and for all. “If only Avatara Indram knew!” is a common saying in the Fulcrum. After all, fortune and success is always with Indram.
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