Head on over to the CHARACTER section and you’ll find the Primer for Orgo, perhaps the most important character in the comic. Well, at least a fun one. Haven’t drawn big red in over two years at this point, so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for Site Updates
I hope you like world buildin’ and the deepest lore, because as promised back in august, I’ve now edited the patreon post a little and made a section for it here on the site: https://www.killwitchkill.com/the-world/ There’s also a link in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Head on over to the character section to see Avatara Ishtars primer. She’s shown up 4+ times in the comic and has had a oversized finger in the pie behind the scenes.
The Living Fulcrum got himself a character brief up at the CHARACTERS page, over here: Slightly different style from the others, but still the same purpose: To give you a summarized idea of the character with minimal spoilers. You can[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A new character page is now up for Modronoth! A totally different character that has nothing in common with that lame Boam. You’ll find it here (4 characters now, slowly growing!): CHARACTERS Only took three rewrites, but I tried to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…